منشور تعهدات و مسئولیت های اجتماعی افراد حقیقی و حقوقی؛ براساس سند بین المللی 2030 (نسخه انگلیسی)

دسته بندي : علوم انسانی » مدیریت
 Organizational Governance Charter of Companies under the Agency of Sepehr Industrial Group; It Shows the Set of Obligations and Social Responsibilities that the Members of the Board of Directors of this Set, in Order to Preserve, Care for and Help the Community Where they Operate; Which is Based on National, Religious, Customary and Legal Civil and Citizenship Beliefs; Always, for Providing Platforms for its Growth and Development; they Consider themselves Responsible, it is Published.
دسته بندی: علوم انسانی » مدیریت

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